Audio Book FAQ - RockyNook
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Audiobook FAQ

All the information you need to start listening to your Rocky Nook audiobook.

How do I download and listen to my audiobooks?

Listening to your audiobooks is simple and easy on your choice of device. Once you purchase an audio book from Rocky Nook it will be available in the Downloads section of your My Account Page on Rocky Simply download the zipped file containing the containing the DRM-free MP3 files directly to your computer and import these files into your media player of choice. Just follow the steps below:

Step 1 

Go to your account, click the “Downloads” tab, and scroll to the Audio Book. Click on the Download Button to download the audiobook zip folder(s) to your computer.

Step 2

On your computer, navigate to the “Downloads” (Apple) or “My Downloads” (Windows) folder and double-click on the zipped folder(s) containing your audiobooks MP3 files.

Step 3

Drag and drop the audio files into the media player of your choice. On a Mac we recommend Music and here is good link on how to import your MP3 files.   On a PC we recommend using Groove and here is good link on how to import your MP3 files.

You can also choose to listen to your audio book on the mobile device of your choice. Here are a few helpful links on how to transfer files to popular devices:

iPhone or iPad

Amazon Kindle or Amazon Fire
