Introducing the Photographers Trivia Deck! - RockyNook
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Introducing The Photography Trivia Deck!


Photography Trivia Deck

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Test your shutterbug knowledge with this fun deck of trivia cards! Think you know photography? Quiz yourself and friends with this deck of cards packed with fascinating facts and mind-blowing trivia all about photography history, famous shooters, and technical equipment and knowledge. Each card features a variety of questions of...
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  • Print Book: $19.95


Product ID: 2359271 SKU: 1256 Categories: , , ,

Darcy Reed


80 cards pages


3.27" x 1.97" x 4.25"in







    2 reviews for Photography Trivia Deck

    1. Well, in my opinion, the packaging is worth the price of admission! The box holding the deck of cards looks just like a little camera and in fact when it arrived, my husband thought that’s what it was 🙂 All the rules are easy enough and we plan to play a game with our adult children over the holidays. Although I have been an amateur photographer for many years, most of these questions were of interest to me because I wasn’t sure of the answer myself. For example, I can’t tell you how many times I have looked up what ISO stands for 🙂 Well, it’s one of the questions, so I had better memorize it this time:)

      I like that the answers to the questions are right on the same card so you don’t have to be organized to figure out the correct response. And the questions! There are three genres of questions from what I can tell: the history of photography; questions from a general knowledge of photography in society; and technical questions about photography and taking pictures.

      Although I can see that this would be an interesting game, especially among people who enjoy photography, I think another use for it is as a learning tool. For example, one question is what common beverage can be used to develop black-and-white photos. Or what is the function of an ADC? All fun things to ponder and to learn from, even if you have been doing photography for decades.

      This game in a fun box would make a great gift for any photog, or just for you and your friends to use.

    2. Prepared as a game to be played against others or simply a collection of questions and answers from which to learn and reflect, the Photography Trivia Deck can provide hours of learning or personal challenges.

      Each card features 3 questions with answers appearing upside down at the base of the card. The topics are not presented in any specific categories on the cards; rather, they are random questions that cover the history of photography, famous photographers/images, film photography, digital photography, and even questions about social media’s use of photos.

      To be fully knowledgeable about all of these topics, one would be both a photography historian as well as an experienced film and digital photographer. So for most, this is not simply a check-your-knowledge game; instead, it’s a journey from the familiar to the unfamiliar that can expand your knowledge and appreciation of photography.

      If I could make a change to these cards, there would be both an organizational change and an educational one. First, the three questions on each card should be categorized. Like Trivial Pursuit cards which offer varied categories per card, it would be nice if each card had a Photography History, Photography Terminology, and Capture & Processing arrangement (or something of the sort). This would enhance the ability to use these cards as a game for those unfamiliar with a specific category (for most, that would be the historical elements). Secondly, including a scannable QR Code with each question (or a dedicated web page of hyperlinks) that would link to an online educational resource (term definitions, biographies of photographers and historic images, etc.) would greatly enhance the educational function of the deck.

      As a game The Photography Trivia Deck is best suited to photography students or those who have a thorough knowledge of photo history as well as shooting/processing. But as a collection of various trivia and techniques questions, this collection can be enjoyed by anyone who wants to challenge their knowledge and inspire further reading and research.

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