Architectural Photography with the Fujifilm X100T/S
Meticulously composing an image to bring out the best in your subject can be very satisfying, and the Fujifilm X100T has a big, bright viewfinder that makes it all the more enjoyable. Even though architectural photographers place a premium on framing images with certain proportions, such as the golden ratio (in which a distance is divided into two unequal parts, and the smaller part relates to the larger part at the same ratio as the larger part relates to the full distance), sometimes a clean geometric division of the image area and its key elements produces a satisfying and solid composition.
Urban architecture, Sony Center, Berlin
Focus method Manual, single frame
Exposure Manual, f/2, 1/20 second, ISO 640
White balance Auto
Film simulation Provia
Notes Fujifilm X100T
The image in above was taken with the X100T’s 23mm (35mm equivalent) focal length lens. Even with a wide-angle lens it is nearly impossible to capture the entire structure of the distinctive dome, let alone the other buildings that make up the complex. When you look at the scene without a camera, you have to turn your head from one side to the other, so framing the image for a photograph is a real challenge. The task here was to find a partial view of the scene that conveys a sense of the whole, which is why the wide-angle conversion lens was not used. In the following paragraph I discuss the composition of the image with the help of green guiding lines and other marks in red and yellow. The image is divided vertically into thirds and horizontally into fourths, with an additional optical center axis.
Exposure details for urban architecture, Sony Center, Berlin
This article is from The Fujifilm X100T/S by Peter Fauland. Learn more about these powerful camera models by downloading the full-length book today!