Lynsey Addario – Women in Photography Spotlight January 30, 2015
March is National Women’s History Month. Our blog will be honoring women in photography this month to celebrate women’s contributions to the photography world. Today’s feature is on Lynsey Addario.
Lynsey Addario: The Female Perspective in Combat Photojournalism
Lynsey Addario is in an American photographer known for capturing images of social and political conflicts all over the world. Her career in photojournalism has made her a first-hand witness to cultures under regime, areas in chaos after natural disasters, and the tragic consequences of war and violence. She is a MacArthur Fellow and Pulitzer Prize winner for International Reporting, and her images have been published in The New York Times, Time, Newsweek, and National Geographic.
No stranger to the front lines, Addario has been a combat photographer in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, Iraq, and throughout Africa, including Darfur. In 2011, She was one of four New York Times journalists taken captive in Libya, where she was held for almost a week by the Libyan army.
Once freed, some Americans expressed outrage that the New York Times would send a female photojournalist to a war zone. Addario’s response detailed the importance of the female perspective in such situations, especially since female photographers have a different level of access to female subjects in many situations, such as in cultures with gender segregation. Says Addario: “People think photography is about photographing. To me, it’s about relationships. And it’s about doing your homework and making people comfortable enough to open their lives to you.”
Check out her work at: