
Architectural Photography

Composition, Capture, and Digital Image Processing

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Architectural photography is more than simply choosing a subject and pressing the shutter-release button; it’s more than just documenting a project. An architectural photograph shows the form and appeal of a building far better than any other medium. With the advent of the digital photographic workflow, architects, real estate firms...
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  • eBook: $40.99

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Adrian Schulz


296 pages


8 x 10in


Soft Cover





    2 reviews for Architectural Photography

    1. (verified owner)

      Excellent content for beginners and amateurs with great photos that very well illustrate the points explained. Post processing chapter centred on Lightroom but still useful for other software users who can still follow the same workflow.

    2. (verified owner)

      I call myself a photography enthusiast – I enjoy photography and have participated in many workshops and seminars to improve the quality of my work. Recently I was asked to do some architectural photography and thought this book would offer some insight.
      Indeed it did. I read the third edition which was published in 2015 so the information about cameras and post processing software has been updated.
      The carefully expressed ideas about considerations involved in composition were very interesting. Expressing the photographer’s relationship to the subject through the photograph and getting the technical details right are the essentials of all photographic styles. The author has insights and suggestions in both areas.
      Portrait photography’s requires getting to know something about the subject, and it turns out thinking about architecture is important for architectural photography. The author offers interesting insights about that and illustrates a variety of sub-genre of architectural photography. There are many specific examples, and many very good images.
      Not a book for those just starting out in photography and probably not a reference for professional architectural photographers – but both groups would learn something from the book. For someone interested in developing skills in architectural photography the book is certainly worthwhile.

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