1,000 Poses for Photographers and Models

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Whether you’re the photographer behind the camera or the model in front of the lens, chances are you could use some help with posing, which is one of the biggest challenges when it comes to portrait photography. POSE! provides the knowledge and the inspiration you need to make your next...
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Mehmet Eygi


336 pages


9.125 x 7.125in


Soft Cover- without flaps





  • Introduction
  • Portrait
  • Beauty
  • Fashion
  • Lingerie
  • Implied Nude
  • Curvy
  • Curvy Boudoir
  • Sports
  • Business
  • Wall
  • MEN
  • Portrait
  • Fashion
  • Implied Nude
  • Sports
  • Business
  • Wall
  • Portrait
  • Fashion
  • Implied Nude
  • Sports
  • Mother
  • Couples
  • Parent and Baby
  • New Family
  • Children

7 reviews for POSE!

  1. (verified owner)

    Excellent book. Can help experienced photographers and great milestone in the work of beginners.

  2. Just looking at the cover tells me I would like this book because the model is not a super thin woman but instead a plus size attractive woman. Real people seldom look like models so it’s nice to know this book will have normal humans as part of the deal 🙂

    The book is divided into sections on couples, children, men, families, women and pregnant women. Great for a reference book because I’ll know right where to look when I’m photographing my grand nieces.

    One of the subsections in, for example, the woman section — it’s on how to photograph curvy women. That’s great, because most of my portraits are of my family and none of us are model-thin. I think it’s important to make everyone look good and maybe especially curvy people who are already a little self-conscious. Most promising books I have seen before have more typical thin models. When she uses a particular photo to demonstrate a post, the author shows with it two or three optional poses-that’s great. The more options in our photographic arsenal the better.

    Various subsections in each chapter are bite-sized which I love. They include photographic examples of what the author is talking about and just enough text to explain but not lose your interest. I especially enjoyed the subsection which popped up in a few different categories about posing against walls. I had never thought about nor read anywhere else about using a wall to pose. I have heard of using it for a background but that is not what she is talking about. Obviously, the photographer can ask the model to lean various parts of the body against the wall or even sit against it. It’s a great idea because the wall, unlike a couch or chair, does not detract from the main subject matter: the model.

    The book, of course, includes a section on taking portraits of couples and again, this book surprises: she suggests the “cold shoulder“ pose where one of the couples is turning away from the other and giving her the “cold shoulder“. There’s also the pose where they doing everything but the actual kissing. Great ideas and ones I haven’t seen elsewhere. I love getting unique ideas for shooting people because then my subjects are as happily surprised as I.

    Another surprising but very fun section was on “implied nude” portraits which goes beyond the boudoir photography to show the couple, and not just the woman, partially clad. There’s even one pose where one is on top of the other lying horizontally on the ground. Very suggestive but not pornographic 🙂

    The final section is on photographing families and I appreciate that the author begins by telling us to be careful handling babies and make safety is the number one priority. Not a bad idea to remind everyone often. She also advises that mother and baby pictures often involve them looking at each other which can give the mother a double chin-great tip!
    One example she gives is taking the picture of the baby over the parent’s shoulder which I have done before, but not seen recommended in photography books-neat addition.

    This is a great book for people who want to begin shooting portraits either for business, or because our families love it when we do 🙂 She covers the gamut but in bite sized chapters which do not lose our interest and tell us all the important stuff. Also, as I said, for each pose she gets for optional poses-I love that and will be for to this book before I go on family shoots.

  3. (verified owner)

    Very good book. Very helpfull for beginners and pros. Every pose include very good guides and advice so you can improve your shooting with this book to next level.
    Very highly recommend this book, best couple bucks investment for improve your shooting. ???

  4. (verified owner)

    Excellent book, for beginners and pros. Nice job! I highly recommend!!!

  5. Great Book! This is the first book on posing that is as well illustrated. For every ‘pose’ example the are added alternate poses. If you’ve ever tried to take portraits (not just a face) this book will be invaluable whether you are a beginner or and expert photographer. The authors use of many models and body types make it a most when doing a photo shoot.

  6. Pose! 1000 Poses for Photographers and Model— Mehmet Eygi

    Mehmet Eygi’s Pose!- 1000 Poses for Photographers and Models delivers precisely what the title promotes- a series of posing ideas that can be utilized in-studio or on-location. The heavily illustrated book presents 267 different poses, described in text that not only describes the pose but also the reasoning behind each- this helps the reader to develop a sense of not just how to pose a model, but why. Accentuating or diminishing certain facial and body characteristics is key to achieving the most flattering image of any subject, and Eygi brings forward a logical and well illustrated method of approaching this skill.

    Each of the 267 poses, presented as a larger image, is flanked by a series of 3 optional poses working off of the primary one. This is invaluable- a simple tilt of the head or change of hand position is sometimes all that is needed to turn an uninteresting pose into one that works exceedingly well for a subject. Included in each set are icons that identify the flexibility of each pose based on camera angle, the gender/age best suited for the pose and whether the pose can work well for curvy models.

    The book is divided into 5 major categories: Women, Men, Couples, Expecting and Families. Within each category are sets that are specific to genres; under Women, for example, are genres including Portraits, Boudoir, Sports and Business- these are 4 of the 10 subcategories. This wonderful range of looks makes it simple to reference applicable poses during a shoot.

    If there is a weakness in the book it’s the lack of discussion on lighting. Posing will always be considered based on the available light- many of the images in the book are shot with fairly flat lighting, which is appropriate when focusing only on the pose. Along with the consideration of a pose must be a sense of how light can also affect the image- so it’s important to see each pose through the lens of the scene’s illumination.

    This book is a fabulous tool- it will be in my studio for pre- and mid-shoot referencing, allowing subjects to either pre-consider poses or brainstorm ideas during a shoot to add variety and a diversification of looks.

  7. (verified owner)

    A great book for those who need guidance on poses. I need specific examples when I am in the field and this book is full of poses for all types and ages of people. I like the way the book is divided so I can get to what I need quickly. This book will go with me on all my future photoshoots.

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